Welcome as our guest
When we talk about manors, we do not consider the impressive main buildings only. The manor-like ambiance is created by, apart from the main building, the yard, local surroundings, general atmosphere, and tranquillity. It is no coincidence that manors' easily approachable dignity and de-stressing atmosphere have appealed to people already for centuries. This is exactly what also Hotel Hirvihaaran Kartano represents.
In Hirvihaara, manor ambiance is supplemented by modern services. At the manor, a lot of new construction has been carried out, old premises have been renovated with piety, and at the same time services for guests have been improved and diversified. When all this is combined with the manor's attitude towards service, we feel prepared for the guests.
Welcome to host bigger and smaller meetings, conferences and memorable celebrations at Hirvihaara Manor and its Glass Pavilion.

Location and transportation
The Manor is located on the south side Mäntsälän only about half an hour's drive from Helsinki and the airport, Hyvinkää, Lahti and Porvoo.

Contact information
Hotelli Hirvihaaran Kartano
Kartanonlenkki 56
04680 Mäntsälä
019 688 8255
[email protected]
Maanantaista perjantaihin kello 9.00-16.00
Häät ja perhejuhlat
Event Manager
050 413 1812
[email protected]
Maanantaista perjantaihin kello 9.00-16.00
Hotellin johtaja
Kaj Vilkko
050 321 7330
[email protected]

Our hotel is well-known for its high-quality service. We want our guests to enjoy themselves and look forward to visiting us once again.
The manor has a wide range of work activities, and we value a positive attitude and willingness to offer our guests memorable and extraordinary moments ...

Blacksmith Hill Crafts Museum
Mäntsälän Hirvihaarassa sijaitseva Sepänmäen käsityömuseo on elävä ja toimiva ulkomuseo, joka kertoo 1700-, 1800- ja 1900-luvun elämästä.
Privacy Policy
Tämä on Hirvihaaran kartanon palvelut Oy:n henkilötietolain (10 § ja 24 §) ja EU:n yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen (GDPR) mukainen rekisteri- ja tietosuojaseloste.
Laadittu 25.5.2018
1. Rekisterinpitäjä
Hirvihaaran kartanon palvelut Oy
Y-tunnus: 2653353-4
Kartanonlenkki 56
04680 Hirvihaara
puh. 019 688 8255
2 ...